There are some laws and rules that you should know about which have been mentioned in this article today.
Common Laws You Should Know - General Law Rules in  English

Legal advice

  1. Do not make excuses for not knowing the law if doing illegal work.
  2. If someone is harmed due to your mistake, you cannot say that it has happened irresponsibly.  Like driving recklessly.
  3. If you find any work illegal, do not try to take the law into your own hands.  Make necessary defenses in self-defense only.
  4. It is an offense not to obey the legal order / instructions / summons of a government employee or court or to give false information.
  5. It is a crime to give an officer or employee a gift or money to get him to work.
  6. Do not make any changes to a document or try to correct a mistake.  It would be considered a crime.

Take care in these tasks

  1. Do not wear drains of civilian land, army, navy and air force and do not wear tattoos.
  2. Hoist and hold the national flag properly.  Do not insult the flag.
  3. Do not smoke or intoxicate in public places.
  4. Do not behave indecently with women
  5. Do not spread false beliefs and rumors.
  6. Do not harm public property.

Take care of important things

  1. Take care of the laws of the country, national symbols, public institutions, the Constitution and the dignity of others
  2. Do not demand illegal facilities from any officer or employee.
  3. In any case, try to resolve reconciliation before going to court.
  4. Help officers in maintaining law and order.  Do not violate the curfew as you tell the police about a crime

General legal provisions

  1. In the eyes of the Constitution and the law, all are equal and all have the right to legal protection.
  2. If the fundamental rights are violated, you can directly go to the High Court or the Supreme Court.
  3. Can work to protect your life and property.  These crimes will not be considered.  Such as breaking the canal to save the settlement in case of flood, cutting its leg to save the life of the patient.
  4. Can attack an attacker for self-defense, but can only do so to a limit.

Executive Judicial Officer -

  1. District Magistrate (DM)
  2. Additional District Magistrate
  3. Sub divisional magistrate
District Court - Court of Civil or Civil Affairs.
 Sessions Court-Court of Criminal or Criminal Cases (Non-Metropolitan Area)

Judge of Sessions Court-

  1. Sessions Judge,
  2. Additional Sessions Judge,
  3. Chief Judicial Magistrate,
  4. Additional Chief Magistrate,
  5. First class judicial magistrate
  6. Second class judicial magistrate
Sessions Court - Session Court

Court of Criminal or Criminal Affairs (Metropolitan Area)

Judge of Sessions Court-

  1. Sessions Judge,
  2. Additional Sessions Judge,
  3. Chief Metropolitan Magistrate,
  4. Additional Metropolitan Magistrate,
  5. Metropolitan magistrate


Tribunal for disputes related to government jobs and taxation.

Public Court

  1. An inexpensive means of settling discourses by reconciliation and cleanliness.
  2. All other types of cases are settled by Lok Adalats, except for criminal cases where settlement is illegal.
  3. The decisions of Lok Adalats are valid to all the parties like the decisions of civil courts.
  4. Decisions of Lok Adalats cannot be appealed in any court.

Criminal Cases

  1. In criminal or criminal cases, the complainant is intended to punish the offender.
  2. A person who is a victim of crime or has knowledge of crime can file a complaint.  The magistrate can also start a criminal case on the basis of information or suspicion.
  3. The magistrate may impose a fine on the complainant.
  4. A person cannot be prosecuted for the same offense again, but if the accused is let off before the charge is set or the accused's previous act leads to another offense in future.  is .
  5. In a criminal or criminal case, the complainant can neither withdraw the case nor compromise.
  6. After the complaint is filed, the court hears both the parties.  If the accused is found guilty, the court convicts him. Although in minor cases the court does not determine the charge, but gives a verdict after hearing the parties and witnesses.
  7. A convicted person can appeal to a higher court, but only in cases where there is a provision for appeal in the relevant law or procedure.
  8. The court may also sentence the witness if the witness lies during the trial.

 Civil Cases

  1. In civil or civil matters, the complainant is intended to get his claim from another person.
  2. The smallest unit of civil court is the gram panchayats.  Small cases of rupee money are dealt in them.
  3. Civil litigation starts with the filing of an application or suit by a plaintiff or applicant.
  4. Summons are issued after Arjidawa.
  5. Plaintiffs or applicants and defendants or defendants file written statements and issues.
  6. Based on the facts presented, both sides hear, on which the court gives its verdict.
  7. After the verdict is delivered, the court finally issues the decree, which details the order of the court and the fulfillment or relief of the parties concerned.
  8. All claims must be included in the application or application as the person cannot apply for the second time to fulfill such new claims related to the same purpose.  Which have not been claimed at the time of first application.
  9. Parties related to the case must appear in court during the hearing.  If not, the court can cancel the case or even give a decree.  If there are reasonable reasons for absence, then a second hearing can also be held.
  10. The parties concerned in the case can enter into an agreement and request the court to issue a decree for the same.
  11. You can appeal against the decision of the lower court to the higher court.  However, you can also compromise among each other during the hearing in the appellate court.
  12. The court may reconsider its own decree or order on the reconsideration petition of the party seeking damages in the case.  And may modify the decree or order.
  13. Once a case is completely over, no party can file a case again on the same issues.
  14. Unlike criminal cases, the party who wins in civil lawsuits is usually compensated for the costs incurred in the lawsuit.  This expense includes the payment to the court for honoraria etc., the cost of the stamp, the application and the costs incurred during the trial.
  15.  If the winning party does not get the benefits according to the decree, then they have to apply for these benefits again in the same court.  This decree must be given within twelve years of passing.

Decision compliance deadline

  1. If someone has been unlawfully deprived of his land or other immovable property, a claim for return of his property must be filed within a period of 12 years of deprivation.  Although the government can make such a claim for thirty years.
  2. The withdrawal of a loan or movable property should be filed within 3 years of the date of payment or the date of acceptance of the same.
  3. The suit regarding the value of the goods should be settled within 3 years of the respective transaction.
  4. Compensation for damage or death from an attack must be claimed within 1 year of the incident.
  5. One can go to court to enforce the agreement within 3 years of the agreement.  Whereas in case of registered agreement, one can go to court for six years.
  6. A lawsuit can be filed at any time against a trustee for the return of the property of a trust (trust).
  7. Criminal cases involving only punishment should be prosecuted within six months.
  8. In case of imprisonment up to one year, one can go to court for one year.
  9. While cases of more serious crimes can go to court up to three years later.

Free legal services

  1. The free assistance includes court fees, preparation of documents, the amount of money spent for calling witnesses and other such functions and attorneys' fees.
  2. Contact your Divisional / Taluk, District or State Legal Services Authority to get free legal aid or to get information about it.  Information can also be obtained from the office of the Chief Justice, District Judge or Senior Civil Judge of the State High Court, as these officers are the heads of these authorities at various levels.

Free legal aid people

  1. Scheduled Castes and Tribes
  2. Women, children and the disabled
  3. Victims of forced labor and immoral trade
  4. People suffering from public dissatisfaction, ethnic violence or ethnic atrocities and natural or industrial accidents
  5. People living in juvenile homes, psychiatric hospitals or other protective homes
  6. Industrial workers and poor people (poor within the fixed boundaries of the state government)